Weather Information
Thursday, 13th February 2025 |
Düsseldorf, Germany |
Sunrise | 07:47 |
Sunset | 17:46 |
Current Weather |
Conditions: | Mist |
Temperature: | 0°C |
Feels Like: | -4°C |
Wind: | 360 / 6 Knots |
Humidity: | 86 % |
Bar. Pressure: | 1023 hPa |
Weather Information kindly provided by OpenWeather. |
Runway Operations
Recent Activities
Departures | Not Available |
Arrivals | Not Available |
Wind Components |
23 | -3.6 Knots |
05 | 3.6 Knots |
X-Wind | 4.8 Knots |
Expected Availability |
Thursday, 13th February 2025 |
23L/05R | Not Available |
23R/05L | Not Available |
Activities based on ADS-B messages (>80% aircraft coverage). Weather & Wind data kindly provided by OpenWeather. |
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Showing 1 - 20 of 42 Pictures
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() «leased from Eastern Air Lines 06/1988 until 11/1988 with such registration»
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() «2nd LTU TriStar (193A-1008) taxiing after delivery-flight 08.11.1975 - leased from Eastern Air Lines, later re-regd to D-AERO»
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() «Incomplete livery based on Eastern Airlines scheme»
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() «Titles already removed in preparation for lease to LTU as D-AERC»
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() «Romeo-India seen passing Terminal B with the characteristic tower and the observation deck in the background. Around midnight on June, 21th 1991, D-AERI caught fire during maintenance inside hangar 8 and was destroyed by the spreading fire outside»
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() «Only a few days after D-AERI burned out on June 28, 1991, this Tristar, in an LTU livery adapted to the previous owner Eastern AL, was put into service. The former Eastern titles are clearly visible above the cheatline.»
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() «This Tristar (193A-1008), which was operated for 3 periods by LTU and is seen here under a flock of cranes. Acquired 1st from Eastern AL 1975 and from Lockheed 1979, registered as D-AERO and acquired again from Eastern AL 1985, registered as D-AERY»
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() «Photo was taken during photo and film safari in summer 1978»
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() «Leased from Eastern Airlines in hybrid livery.»
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() «Sunday, July 11th, 1993»
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() «on European promo-tour presenting the new aircraft to potential customers like LTU»
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() «lsd. from Eastern Airlines»
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() «Leaving lots of rubber on the runway»
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() «After a cold night stop, TriStars used to turn into steamers upon start-up»