Weather Information
Thursday, 13th February 2025 |
Düsseldorf, Germany |
Sunrise | 07:47 |
Sunset | 17:46 |
Current Weather |
Conditions: | Broken Clouds |
Temperature: | -1°C |
Feels Like: | -4°C |
Wind: | 340 / 5 Knots |
Humidity: | 86 % |
Bar. Pressure: | 1023 hPa |
Weather Information kindly provided by OpenWeather. |
Runway Operations
Recent Activities
Departures | Not Available |
Arrivals | Not Available |
Wind Components |
23 | -1.5 Knots |
05 | 1.5 Knots |
X-Wind | 4.8 Knots |
Expected Availability |
Thursday, 13th February 2025 |
23L/05R | Not Available |
23R/05L | Not Available |
Activities based on ADS-B messages (>80% aircraft coverage). Weather & Wind data kindly provided by OpenWeather. |
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Showing 1 - 20 of 23 Pictures
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() «During the summer months of the mid-1980s, American Trans Air served several destinations in North America. N189AT visited DUS again in 2000 in a new livery and on charter for Consul Weltreisen»
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() «Air Afrique leased this Tristar-50, buildt in 1973 for Delta Air Lines as a model -1, from October 1989 until October 1990 from American Trans Air. N185AT is seen parked next to hangar 8, where she had received maintenance by LTU»
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() «Arriving for maintenance by the TriStar specialists of LTU»
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() «At the end of a 10 month lease to Air Algerie, N703TT made a brief technical stop at Lohausen. A few moments after this picture was taken, the Air Algerie sticker was already removed»
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() «During the preparations for Operation Desert Storm and the associated US troop transfers via Germany, several Tristars from American Trans Air and Hawaiian, here the N764BE, stayed at LTU for maintenance work»
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() «American Trans Air often visited LTU for maintenance purposes. A few years later this Tristar visited Düsseldorf again, this time registered as N196AT in full American Trans Air colours»
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() «In the very first ATA livery»
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() «basic TWA col»
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() «no titles, basic EI col»
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() «Operated a charter on behalf of Consul Weltreisen»
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() «Returning fans from a football match in Manchester. Note the flag over the cockpit.»