Weather Information

Monday, 10th February 2025
Düsseldorf, Germany
Current Weather
Conditions:Moderate Rain
Feels Like:0°C
Wind:060 / 10 Knots
Humidity:85 %
Bar. Pressure:1021 hPa
Weather Information kindly provided by OpenWeather.

Runway Operations

Recent Activities
Departures Not Available
Arrivals Not Available
Wind Components
23-9.9 Knots
05 9.9 Knots
X-Wind 1.2 Knots
Expected Availability
Monday, 10th February 2025
23L/05RNot Available
23R/05LNot Available
Activities based on ADS-B messages (>80% aircraft coverage).
Weather & Wind data kindly provided by OpenWeather.

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Showing 1 - 20 of 84 Pictures

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▸︎ Polet Flight
▸︎ Antonov AN-124
▸︎ RA-82077

Felix Reimann (2012)
▸︎ Antonov Design Bureau
▸︎ Antonov AN-124
▸︎ UR-82007

Jost Gruchel (2023)
«.... Be brave like Mykolaiv - sticker»

▸︎ Antonov Design Bureau
▸︎ Antonov AN-124
▸︎ UR-82007

Rainer Spoddig (2023)
▸︎ Antonov Design Bureau
▸︎ Antonov AN-124
▸︎ UR-82007

Rainer Spoddig (2023)

▸︎ Antonov Design Bureau
▸︎ Antonov AN-124
▸︎ UR-82007

Rainer Spoddig (2023)
▸︎ Antonov Design Bureau
▸︎ Antonov AN-124
▸︎ UR-82027

Jost Gruchel (2022)

▸︎ Antonov Design Bureau
▸︎ Antonov AN-124
▸︎ UR-82027

Rainer Spoddig (2022)
▸︎ Volga-Dnepr Airlines
▸︎ Antonov AN-124
▸︎ RA-82077

Jost Gruchel (2021)

▸︎ Volga-Dnepr Airlines
▸︎ Antonov AN-124
▸︎ RA-82046

Jost Gruchel (2021)
▸︎ Volga-Dnepr Airlines
▸︎ Antonov AN-124
▸︎ RA-82046

Jost Gruchel (2021)

▸︎ Volga-Dnepr Airlines
▸︎ Antonov AN-124
▸︎ RA-82046

Rainer Spoddig (2021)
«Inbound from TLV»
▸︎ Volga-Dnepr Airlines
▸︎ Antonov AN-124
▸︎ RA-82046

Rainer Spoddig (2021)
«Inbound from TLV in best evening light inbetween many clouds»

▸︎ Aeroflot
▸︎ Antonov AN-124
▸︎ CCCP-82020

Wolfgang Mendorf (1988)
▸︎ Antonov Design Bureau
▸︎ Antonov AN-124
▸︎ UR-82029

Wolfgang Mendorf (1993)

▸︎ Antonov Design Bureau
▸︎ Antonov AN-124
▸︎ UR-82007

Wolfgang Mendorf (2000)
«Still with Aeroflot cheatline»
▸︎ Antonov Design Bureau
▸︎ Antonov AN-124
▸︎ CCCP-82027

Wolfgang Mendorf (1991)
«Additional Air Foyle and Cargolux markings»

▸︎ Volga-Dnepr Airlines
▸︎ Antonov AN-124
▸︎ RA-82044

Michael Stappen (2005)
▸︎ Russia - Air Force
▸︎ Antonov AN-124
▸︎ RA-82039 Collection (2012)

▸︎ Russia State Transport
▸︎ Antonov AN-124
▸︎ RA-82073

Stefan Fuchs (1999)
▸︎ Volga-Dnepr Airlines
▸︎ Antonov AN-124
▸︎ RA-82044

Felix Reimann (2001)

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