Weather Information
Thursday, 13th February 2025 |
Düsseldorf, Germany |
Sunrise | 07:47 |
Sunset | 17:46 |
Current Weather |
Conditions: | Mist |
Temperature: | 0°C |
Feels Like: | -4°C |
Wind: | 350 / 6 Knots |
Humidity: | 83 % |
Bar. Pressure: | 1021 hPa |
Weather Information kindly provided by OpenWeather. |
Runway Operations
Recent Activities
Departures | Not Available |
Arrivals | Not Available |
Wind Components |
23 | -2.7 Knots |
05 | 2.7 Knots |
X-Wind | 5.3 Knots |
Expected Availability |
Thursday, 13th February 2025 |
23L/05R | Not Available |
23R/05L | Not Available |
Activities based on ADS-B messages (>80% aircraft coverage). Weather & Wind data kindly provided by OpenWeather. |
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Showing 1 - 20 of 169 Pictures
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() «The origins of todays Eurowings began in the early 80s with taxi operations from Dortmund. From spring 1987, RFG operated scheduled flights with its first ATR 42. Company was merged with NFD of Nürnberg forming new regional airline Eurowings in 1993»
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() «Revised livery»
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() «Basic Orion livery»
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() «Clipper Wild Wave»
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() «The then brand new EC-EJQ, aptly christened Sunshine, with a crowded visitor terrace in the background in August 1988»
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() «American Airlines only had a handful of -30 series DC-10s in her fleet, all second hand formerly owned by National Airlines respectively Pan American, KLM or like N137AA shown here, by Air New Zealand»
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() «Look whos looking - a historical photo in front of Hangar 5-6. The then still quite new B737-300 here with promotional sticker for the UEFA 1988 European Football Championship, D-ABXE later in 2007 in Lohausen as G-CELI in service of Jet2»
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() «Non-standard basic white livery»
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() «The first Iberia B737, leased and operated by the Spanish subsidiary of British Air Europe, Air Europa»
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() «Incomplete titles»
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() «Basic Balair livery with revised Swissair titles»
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() «Flat tail cone»
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() «The Regensburg, here during push-back from her Terminal A gate position, found later her destination in South America, e.g. with LAN Chile and LAN Argentina»
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() «For many years, Air France operated services, in addition to domestic German flights to Berlin, also to various points in France, , sometimes in cooperation with Air Littoral and Regional or, as here, with Brit Air»
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