Weather Information

Sunday, 16th February 2025
Düsseldorf, Germany
Current Weather
Conditions:Light Snow
Feels Like:-3°C
Wind:060 / 6 Knots
Humidity:72 %
Bar. Pressure:1020 hPa
Weather Information kindly provided by OpenWeather.

Runway Operations

Recent Activities
 05RUpdated:   03:06 (AWH93E)
Cont. Use: 2h23m (1x)
 05RUpdated:   02:51 (AWH93K)
Cont. Use: >7d (2x)
Wind Components
23-6 Knots
05 6 Knots
X-Wind 0.7 Knots
Expected Availability
Sunday, 16th February 2025
05RNot Available
05LNot Available
Activities based on ADS-B messages (>80% aircraft coverage).
Weather & Wind data kindly provided by OpenWeather.

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Showing 1 - 20 of 49 Pictures

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▸︎ Aer Lingus
▸︎ BAe 146-300

Rainer Spoddig (2003)
▸︎ TAS Airways
▸︎ BAe 146-300

Wolfgang Mendorf (1994)

▸︎ TAS Airways
▸︎ BAe 146-300

Stefan Fuchs (1993)
▸︎ Buzz
▸︎ BAe 146-300

Hajo Warnken (2003)
«Buzz, which was founded in 2000 as KLM UK, a subsidiary of KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, was sold to Ryanair in 2003. Already in 2004 BUZZ was just history»

▸︎ Eurowings
▸︎ BAe 146-300

Michael Stappen (2004)
▸︎ LTU International Airways
▸︎ BAe 146-300

Wolfgang Mendorf (2006)
«Operated by WDL with such sticker»

▸︎ Albanian Airlines
▸︎ BAe 146-300

Wolfgang Mendorf (2007)
▸︎ Eurowings
▸︎ BAe 146-300

Wolfgang Mendorf (2009)
«Basic white colours without cheatline»

▸︎ Air Berlin
▸︎ BAe 146-300

Wolfgang Mendorf (2003)
▸︎ Aer Lingus
▸︎ BAe 146-300

Wolfgang Mendorf (2002)

▸︎ LTU International Airways
▸︎ BAe 146-300

Wolfgang Mendorf (2006)
«Leased from WDL in non-standard white colours.»
▸︎ Astra Airlines
▸︎ BAe 146-300

Jost Gruchel (2018)
«ex Flybe G-JEBE»

▸︎ Aviro Air
▸︎ BAe 146-300

Rainer Spoddig (2016)
▸︎ Astra Airlines
▸︎ BAe 146-300

Jost Gruchel (2013)
«PAOK F.C. - sticker»

▸︎ Air UK
▸︎ BAe 146-300

Rainer Spoddig (1996)
«Scan from paperprint»
▸︎ Buzz
▸︎ BAe 146-300

Bernd Hempe (2000)

▸︎ Buzz
▸︎ BAe 146-300

Bernd Hempe (2000)
▸︎ Air UK
▸︎ BAe 146-300

Bernd Hempe (1997)

▸︎ Buzz
▸︎ BAe 146-300

Bernd Hempe (2000)
▸︎ Aer Lingus
▸︎ BAe 146-300

Bernd Hempe (2003)

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