Weather Information
Monday, 10th February 2025 |
Düsseldorf, Germany |
Sunrise | 07:52 |
Sunset | 17:41 |
Current Weather |
Conditions: | Moderate Rain |
Temperature: | 4°C |
Feels Like: | 1°C |
Wind: | 060 / 8 Knots |
Humidity: | 84 % |
Bar. Pressure: | 1022 hPa |
Weather Information kindly provided by OpenWeather. |
Runway Operations
Recent Activities
Departures | Not Available |
Arrivals | Not Available |
Wind Components |
23 | -7.9 Knots |
05 | 7.9 Knots |
X-Wind | 1 Knots |
Expected Availability |
Monday, 10th February 2025 |
23L/05R | Not Available |
23R/05L | Not Available |
Activities based on ADS-B messages (>80% aircraft coverage). Weather & Wind data kindly provided by OpenWeather. |
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Showing 1 - 13 of 13 Pictures
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() «The CL-44J, originally built as a passenger aircraft, could carry up to 189 passengers, and the cargo version could carry almost 30 tons of payload»
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() «Men at work on a Sunday morning, September 23, 1979. At that time, the CL-44-J was the right choice for bulky goods. The rear part of the fuselage could be folded away hydraulically within 90 seconds»
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() «Aer Turas, based in Dublin, has operated mainly cargo flights since commencing operations in 1962 with Douglas DC-3, DC-4, DC-7, Bristol 170, Bristol Britannia, Hawker Siddeley Argosy, DC-8-63 and Canadair CL44»
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() «In the 1970s and early 1980s, ad hoc freight charter flights with car parts for the General Motors factories in Germany and Great Britain were used again and again, often in the late evening hours»
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() «frequent visitor that summer»
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() «basic RAF c/s - leased to Cyprus Airways»