Weather Information

Tuesday, 11th February 2025
Düsseldorf, Germany
Current Weather
Conditions:Overcast Clouds
Feels Like:3°C
Wind:170 / 10 Knots
Humidity:73 %
Bar. Pressure:1020 hPa
Weather Information kindly provided by OpenWeather.

Runway Operations

Recent Activities
Departures Not Available
Arrivals Not Available
Wind Components
23 4.5 Knots
05-4.5 Knots
X-Wind 8.9 Knots
Expected Availability
Tuesday, 11th February 2025
23L/05RNot Available
23R/05LNot Available
Activities based on ADS-B messages (>80% aircraft coverage).
Weather & Wind data kindly provided by OpenWeather.

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Showing 1 - 20 of 88 Pictures

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▸︎ KLM - Helicopters
▸︎ Sikorsky S-61N

Wolfgang Mendorf (1972)
«Early livery, in the background terminal 2 under construction to be opened one year later»
▸︎ LTU International Airways
▸︎ Sud Aviation SE-210 Caravelle 10

Udo Haafke (1972)

▸︎ Slov-Air
▸︎ Let L-410

Wolfgang Mendorf (1972)
▸︎ Atlantis Airways
▸︎ Douglas DC-8-63CF

Wolfgang Mendorf (1972)

▸︎ Spantax
▸︎ Convair 990

Wolfgang Mendorf (1972)
«The only Spantax Coronado to wear this white paint below the cheatline, missing the airline logo at the nose»
▸︎ Condor
▸︎ Boeing 747-200

Wolfgang Mendorf (1972)
«Original version still with only three upper deck cabin windows (was later increased to ten)»

▸︎ Atlantis Airways
▸︎ Douglas DC-8-33

Wolfgang Mendorf (1972)
▸︎ Air Spain
▸︎ Douglas DC-8-21

Wolfgang Mendorf (1972)

▸︎ KLM - Royal Dutch Airlines
▸︎ McDonnell Douglas DC-9-30CF

Wolfgang Mendorf (1972)
«Original livery»
▸︎ Condor
▸︎ Boeing 707-300

Wolfgang Mendorf (1972)

▸︎ Air Commerz
▸︎ Boeing 707-100

Wolfgang Mendorf (1972)
«Together with sistership D-ADAQ (landing in the background) these two formed the entire Air Commerz jet fleet.»
▸︎ Lufthansa
▸︎ Boeing 707-300

Wolfgang Mendorf (1972)
«-Official Airline München 1972 Olympics- sticker, on regular twice-weekly service to Tokyo and Osaka via Copenhagen and Anchorage»

▸︎ NLM - Nederlandse Luchtvaart Maatschappij
▸︎ Fokker 27-600

Wolfgang Mendorf (1972)
«Original livery, long before the CityHopper aera»
▸︎ Invicta International
▸︎ Vickers 952 Vanguard

Wolfgang Mendorf (1972)
«Original titels typo»

▸︎ Kestrel International
▸︎ Vickers 800 Viscount

Wolfgang Mendorf (1972)
▸︎ Britannia Airways
▸︎ Boeing 737-200

Wolfgang Mendorf (1972)
«Original livery»

▸︎ KLM - Royal Dutch Airlines
▸︎ McDonnell Douglas DC-9-15

Wolfgang Mendorf (1972)
«Original livery»
▸︎ VAPF Airwise
▸︎ Douglas DC-3
▸︎ N655GP

Wolfgang Mendorf (1972)
«VAPF Airwise titles and logo removed, transferred to Aircraft Enterprises Inc.»

▸︎ Pan American Airways
▸︎ Boeing 727-100
▸︎ N357PA

Wolfgang Mendorf (1972)
«Jet Clipper Betsy Ross showing the original livery with long Pan American titles»
▸︎ Tarom
▸︎ Ilyushin IL-62

Udo Haafke (1972)

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