Weather Information

Sunday, 16th February 2025
Düsseldorf, Germany
Current Weather
Conditions:Overcast Clouds
Feels Like:-4°C
Wind:060 / 7 Knots
Humidity:72 %
Bar. Pressure:1021 hPa
Weather Information kindly provided by OpenWeather.

Runway Operations

Recent Activities
 05RUpdated:   03:06 (AWH93E)
Cont. Use: 3h32m (1x)
 05RUpdated:   02:51 (AWH93K)
Cont. Use: >7d (2x)
Wind Components
23-6.9 Knots
05 6.9 Knots
X-Wind 0.9 Knots
Expected Availability
Sunday, 16th February 2025
05RNot Available
05LNot Available
Activities based on ADS-B messages (>80% aircraft coverage).
Weather & Wind data kindly provided by OpenWeather.

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Showing 1 - 20 of 56 Pictures

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▸︎ Eastern Airways
▸︎ Douglas DC-3

Wolfgang Mendorf (1981)
▸︎ VAPF Airwise
▸︎ Douglas DC-3
▸︎ N655GP

Wolfgang Mendorf (1972)
«VAPF Airwise titles and logo removed, transferred to Aircraft Enterprises Inc.»

▸︎ Steig AG
▸︎ Douglas DC-3
▸︎ N569R

Wolfgang Mendorf (1973)
«This only DC-3 with real reg N569R (later two others had this as fake reg after withdrawal from use) had business configuration and large panorama windows and lateron temporatily joined Air Classic s flying circus.»
▸︎ Air Classic
▸︎ Douglas DC-3
▸︎ N8041B

Wolfgang Mendorf (1979)
«Arrival for museum display in ex Spanish Air Force livery»

▸︎ DDA - Dutch Dakota Association
▸︎ Douglas DC-3

Wolfgang Mendorf (1988)
«Basic historic KLM livery»
▸︎ Bohnstedt-Petersen
▸︎ Douglas DC-3

Wolfgang Mendorf (1986)
«Basic Danish Air Force livery with Danmarks Flyvemuseum titles on starboard only»

▸︎ Classic Air
▸︎ Douglas DC-3

Wolfgang Mendorf (1988)
«Entering the legendary taxiway Whiskey»
▸︎ Air Freight
▸︎ Douglas DC-3

Wolfgang Mendorf (1973)

▸︎ Bohnstedt-Petersen
▸︎ Douglas DC-3

Wolfgang Mendorf (1986)
«Basic Danish Air Force livery»
▸︎ Air Atlantique
▸︎ Douglas DC-3

Wolfgang Mendorf (1986)

▸︎ Air Atlantique
▸︎ Douglas DC-3

Wolfgang Mendorf (1987)
«Operated in Northwest Airlines livery»
▸︎ Skyways Cargo Airline
▸︎ Douglas DC-3

Wolfgang Mendorf (1976)

▸︎ KLM - Royal Dutch Airlines
▸︎ Douglas DC-3

Udo Haafke (2012)
▸︎ Bretagne Air Services
▸︎ Douglas DC-3

Stefan Fuchs (1980)

▸︎ KLM - Royal Dutch Airlines
▸︎ Douglas DC-3

Wolfgang Mendorf (2012)
▸︎ KLM - Royal Dutch Airlines
▸︎ Douglas DC-3

Wolfgang Mendorf (2012)
«Dutch Dakota Association, painted in KLM colours of the 1950s»

▸︎ Air Atlantique
▸︎ Douglas DC-3

Arno Janssen (1979)
▸︎ Sweden - Air Force
▸︎ Douglas DC-3
▸︎ 79008

Arno Janssen (1978)

▸︎ Hunting Clan
▸︎ Douglas DC-3

Robert Newton (1955)
▸︎ KLM - Royal Dutch Airlines
▸︎ Douglas DC-3
▸︎ PH-PBA Collection (2012)

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