Weather Information

Monday, 10th February 2025
Düsseldorf, Germany
Current Weather
Conditions:Light Rain
Feels Like:0°C
Wind:070 / 11 Knots
Humidity:83 %
Bar. Pressure:1022 hPa
Weather Information kindly provided by OpenWeather.

Runway Operations

Recent Activities
Departures Not Available
Arrivals Not Available
Wind Components
23-10.5 Knots
05 10.5 Knots
X-Wind 3.2 Knots
Expected Availability
Monday, 10th February 2025
23L/05RNot Available
23R/05LNot Available
Activities based on ADS-B messages (>80% aircraft coverage).
Weather & Wind data kindly provided by OpenWeather.

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Showing 1 - 20 of 24 Pictures

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▸︎ Air France
▸︎ Fokker 28-1000

Hajo Warnken (1990)
«This F-28 only flew briefly in Europe in the early 1990s, having previously flown for the government of Gabon and, after TATs deployment for Air France, from spring 1993 for the government of Iran»
▸︎ Netherlands - Government
▸︎ Fokker 28-1000

Wolfgang Mendorf (1987)

▸︎ TAT - Touraine Air Transport
▸︎ Fokker 28-1000

Wolfgang Mendorf (1990)
«Basic Inter-Canadien livery»
▸︎ Palair Macedonian
▸︎ Fokker 28-1000

Wolfgang Mendorf (1993)

▸︎ Unifly
▸︎ Fokker 28-1000

Wolfgang Mendorf (1987)
«Basic Braathens livery»
▸︎ Fokker
▸︎ Fokker 28-1000

Wolfgang Mendorf (1974)
«Demonstrator with SATCO cheatline»

▸︎ Martinair Holland
▸︎ Fokker 28-1000

Wolfgang Mendorf (1978)
▸︎ Itavia
▸︎ Fokker 28-1000

Wolfgang Mendorf (1974)

▸︎ Itavia
▸︎ Fokker 28-1000

Wolfgang Mendorf (1974)
«Basic LTU livery»
▸︎ Palair Macedonian
▸︎ Fokker 28-1000

Stefan Fuchs (1993)

▸︎ Air France
▸︎ Fokker 28-1000

Hajo Warnken (1986)
«A veteran of the Fokker F-28 Fellowship production, here in service for and in the colors of Air France, owned by TAT Transport Aerien Transregional and operated by them for more than 20 years also for other airlines like Itavia, Air Niugini, British AW»
▸︎ Air France
▸︎ Fokker 28-1000

Arno Janssen Collection (1980)
«Air Alsace sticker»

▸︎ TAT - Touraine Air Transport
▸︎ Fokker 28-1000

Udo Haafke (1989)
«Inter Canadian hybrid c/s»
▸︎ Germanair
▸︎ Fokker 28-1000

Udo Haafke (1975)

▸︎ AviAction
▸︎ Fokker 28-1000

Udo Haafke (1973)
▸︎ Iberia
▸︎ Fokker 28-1000

Dietrich Eggert (1970)

▸︎ Itavia
▸︎ Fokker 28-1000

Dietrich Eggert (1969)
«basic Fokker Demonstrator c/s»
▸︎ AviAction
▸︎ Fokker 28-1000

Wolfgang Mendorf (1972)

▸︎ LTU International Airways
▸︎ Fokker 28-1000

Wolfgang Mendorf (1974)
▸︎ Germanair
▸︎ Fokker 28-1000

Wolfgang Mendorf (1974)

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