Weather Information

Monday, 10th February 2025
Düsseldorf, Germany
Current Weather
Conditions:Moderate Rain
Feels Like:1°C
Wind:060 / 8 Knots
Humidity:84 %
Bar. Pressure:1022 hPa
Weather Information kindly provided by OpenWeather.

Runway Operations

Recent Activities
Departures Not Available
Arrivals Not Available
Wind Components
23-7.9 Knots
05 7.9 Knots
X-Wind 1 Knots
Expected Availability
Monday, 10th February 2025
23L/05RNot Available
23R/05LNot Available
Activities based on ADS-B messages (>80% aircraft coverage).
Weather & Wind data kindly provided by OpenWeather.

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Showing 1 - 17 of 17 Pictures

▸︎ New Search

▸︎ IAC Industries Air Charter
▸︎ Nord 262

Wolfgang Mendorf (1989)
▸︎ Rhine Air
▸︎ Nord 262

Wolfgang Mendorf (1982)

▸︎ Rousseau Aviation
▸︎ Nord 262

Wolfgang Mendorf (1973)
▸︎ France - Navy
▸︎ Nord 262

Wolfgang Mendorf (1981)

▸︎ Cimber Air
▸︎ Nord 262

Wolfgang Mendorf (1982)
«Basic Altair livery»
▸︎ France - Air Force
▸︎ Nord 262

Wolfgang Mendorf (1987)
«No. 64»

▸︎ Cimber Air
▸︎ Nord 262

Wolfgang Mendorf (1974)
«Original tail logo, missing fuselage titles»
▸︎ Air Alsace
▸︎ Nord 262

Stefan Fuchs (1977)
«Fair Trade charter»

▸︎ Rhine Air
▸︎ Nord 262

Stefan Fuchs (1981)
«Fair charter»
▸︎ Air Limousin
▸︎ Nord 262

Hajo Warnken (1982)
«Air Limousin T.A. was founded in 1978, a merge with Air Alpes, which also operated scheduled flights from Metz and Grenoble to DUS in the 1970s. F-BVFJ, one of a total of three Nord 262A operated, seen here on taxiway Whisky heading for take off»

▸︎ France - Navy
▸︎ Nord 262

Udo Haafke (1978)
▸︎ IAC Industries Air Charter
▸︎ Nord 262

Udo Haafke (1990)

▸︎ Rhine Air
▸︎ Nord 262

Udo Haafke (1981)
▸︎ IFG Interregional Fluggesellschaft
▸︎ Nord 262

Wolfgang Mendorf (1972)
«Cimber sticker»

▸︎ Cimber Air
▸︎ Nord 262

Wolfgang Mendorf (1972)
▸︎ IFG Interregional Fluggesellschaft
▸︎ Nord 262

Wolfgang Mendorf (1972)
«Cimber sticker»

▸︎ Cimber Air
▸︎ Nord 262

Bernd Hempe (1982)

▸︎ New Search

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